Meet our Pastor
If we have to say anything about Pastor Lordson, there’s one thing we have to say that he is an “encourager” par-excellence. Whenever we are with him, be it on one-to-one, or through his Sunday preaching sermons, he has the amazing ability to lift up our spirit with sound biblical teachings. In an age befuddled with constant heresies, we are blest to have Pastor Lordson, as a dear brother in the Body of Christ. Strong in doctrine and never compromising – a hallmark of a true and passionate Baptist preacher.
He is ever zealous and passionate doing the work of his calling in the Lord’s vineyard. He is always close to the brethren in the church and has a burdened heart to see the unbeliever saved from eternal damnation.
God uses pastor Lordson mightily for His purpose and that is helping us immensely in our Christian walk.
If anyone, an individual or a family, has the profound need of answers to life’s questions, we highly recommend you meet our pastor and be blest while you sojourn your earthly life.
But what’s most important, is not about Grace & Truth Baptist Church, it’s all about the brethren, the furtherance of the Kingdom of God and all the Glory that belongs exclusively to The Lord Jesus Christ.
In His Service For His Glory
Grace And Truth Baptist Church
Goa India.