
These ministries are provided to be an avenue of assistance to local churches, which should use their own discretion and judgment when considering these resources. We have been blest to use their tracts to reach the unreached and have seen manifold fruits. Given below are two great Ministries which has some of the best outreach and study materials! Many more Ministries will be posted in future! Keep watching this space!

Time For Truth

The Lord has counted John E Davis worthy of this ministry. TfT is a Bible Believing ministry & NOT a business! Believes that the Authorized Bible is the perfectly preserved word of God & make no apologies for that!

Have many facets to the ministry (as you will see) but the main thrustis to get The Gospel out to as many sinners as possible before the Rapture. Have produced many tracts, booklets & CDs for you to use in your own outreach work – all our material is AT COST i.e. what TfT pays YOU pay!
So if you are looking for top-quality straight-down-the-line Christian Literature you have come to the right place!!! Brother Lordson is very much blessed to be a team member of the Time For Truth! The Lord has used Brother John Davies to influence brother Lordson’s life spiritually and in ministry!



Chick Publications

Chick tracts are short evangelical-themed tracts created by Jack T Chick. Chick tracts use a comic book format. Soul-winners worldwide know that CHICK TRACTS GET READ! The cartoons grab the reader’s attention and present the Gospel. Over 100 different titles are available and each one has its own gripping story, ending in an invitation to receive Christ. Chick tracts can help you reach more people!.

These little cartoon tracts can help you become the witness you’ve always wanted to be. We’ve all read the command Jesus gave – “Go ye into the all the world and preach the gospel to every creature – Mark 16:15.” The problem is how to do it. We all have jobs, or school, or families, or something that eats up our time. A river of people go by us every day, but how on earth can we obey Jesus and reach out to them? Chick tracts can help!
